Our Investment Portfolios

Blue Meridian maintains five diverse portfolios of investments dedicated to scaling solutions that drive economic and social mobility in the US for young people and families.

Increasing Economic Mobility in the US

Our pioneering investment approach is designed to address the complexity and scope of poverty in the US. We support strategies that help ensure individuals reach key success milestones from cradle to career and overcome challenges that create barriers to opportunity. 

Recognizing both the power of national scaling to touch more lives and the importance of local solutions that target problems specific to communities, we invest in both nationwide and place-based strategies.

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, we are adapting our strategy across our portfolios, each of which supports solutions for achieving long-term recovery.

With a pioneering spirit, Blue Meridian continues to explore solutions that can improve economic and social mobility on a transformative scale, build strategic collaborations that invest philanthropic capital for greater impact, and advance the work of visionary social sector leaders and organizations.

The Portfolios

Blue Meridian maintains five portfolios of philanthropic investments in promising solutions that seek to increase economic and social mobility in the US.

Nationwide Solutions

The Nationwide Solutions portfolio makes significant, long-term investments to address the causes and drivers of poverty and bring evidence-based solutions to a national scale. Our investments are right-sized to meet the scale of the problem and provide the unrestricted growth capital required to help strategies that are already producing results to deepen their impact and expand nationwide.

Learn More about our Nationwide Solutions

Place Matters

The Place Matters portfolio aims to improve economic and social mobility in communities across the US through investments in place-based partnerships and catalytic supports. We recognize the influence of living environments on access to resources and opportunity. We complement investments in local leaders with the necessary ecosystem of supports to catalyze their success.

Learn More about our Place Matters portfolio

Justice & Mobility Fund

The Justice and Mobility Fund is a collaboration working to boost economic mobility and improve the life trajectories of people impacted by the criminal justice system. Co-created by Blue Meridian and the Ford Foundation, the Fund invests in solutions that reduce convictions and incarcerations and mitigate the negative downstream effects on individuals, families, and communities.

Learn More about the Justice and Mobility Fund

The Studio @ Blue Meridian

The Studio @ Blue Meridian seeks to empower social sector leaders by embracing experimentation and providing flexible resources – both coaching and capital – to accelerate their organizations’ readiness for significant scaling. The Studio addresses gaps in the social sector funding market that restrict leaders’ ability to refine their strategies and limit the flow of funds. 

Learn More about The Studio @ Blue Meridian

COVID-19 Response

Our COVID-19 Response portfolio provides funding to organizations serving the hardest-hit communities in two ways: through direct cash assistance and support in accessing public benefits, and through needed capital and technical assistance to education innovators that help maximize the impact of federal resources on student success and well-being.

Learn More about our COVID-19 Response

Past Investments

Since its founding in 2016, Blue Meridian has invested in a range of promising strategies that address key drivers of poverty and boost economic and social mobility for young people and families across America. Our past investments received support to develop and execute comprehensive scaling plans, accelerate readiness for significant growth, or increase immediate impact. Learn more about Past Investments.