Transforming the life trajectories of young people and families living in poverty.

Why We Do This Work

A Pioneering Philanthropic Model

Blue Meridian Partners is a pioneering philanthropic model for finding and funding scalable solutions to the problems that limit economic and social mobility for America’s young people and families in poverty. We know solutions exist, but even the most promising strategies cannot reach far enough, fast enough without significant resources. Hence, we bring philanthropists together to pool capital and scale solutions that target drivers of poverty from cradle to career.

We operate with an investor mindset but measure success in terms of social impact. Viewing our grants as “investments,” we provide the flexible, transformative capital that visionary social sector leaders need to dream bigger and pursue long-term change. Beyond dollars, we provide critical capacity- and evidence-building support as well as strategic advice.

We remain responsive to evolving challenges, while constantly exploring new collaborations. Ultimately, we want to transform the philanthropic marketplace and improve the life trajectories of millions of young people and families across America.

5 investment portfolios

Over $4.5 billion pooled to date

Over $150 million for COVID-19 response

COVID-19 Response

Blue Meridian’s COVID-19 Response portfolio began with direct cash assistance and support in accessing public benefits. Now, it provides capital and technical assistance for education innovators re-engaging children in school.

Our Partners

Blue Meridian brings together results-oriented philanthropists – both individual and institutional – united by the belief that we must get significant capital flowing to the most promising solutions in order to improve the life trajectories of millions of young people and families in poverty.

Learn More About Our Partners

About Us

Blue Meridian's leaders and staff bring vision, rigor, and a commitment to increasing economic and social mobility for young people and families living in poverty in the US.

Meet Our Team